Option A ) Could you give me a free face-to-face appointment to discuss my will? < CLICK here >

    Option B ) Information to prepare your Spanish will draft for your verification:

    Your full legal name and surname

    Your Email

    Your passport number and nationality

    Place of birth and country, as well as date of birth

    Your Spanish fiscal number ( NIE )

    Address in Spain

    Address abroad

    Profession / retired

    Your mobile number

    Full legal name and surname of ex-wife/husband, children full name and surname with them.

    Current marital status (Divorced, single, widow / widower, married to : full name and surname) and Children’s full name and surname.

    Your parents full legal name and surname, and whether they are alive or deceased:

    Just for your assets in Spain or worldwide ?

    Who would you like to appoint as inheritor (your wife/ husband?)

    Who would you like to be the substitute just in case your wife/husband can not inherit for whatever the reason (your children otherwise grandchildren?)

    REMARK: When the heirs and substitutes are husband/wife, children, grandchildren or siblings, it is not necessary to put their passport number, in other cases it is very convenient to put the passport numbers and their nationality.

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    With a deep knowledge of the law, we carefully study your particular circumstances to draw up a truly personalized Spanish will, to protect you and your heirs from huge expenses and problems in the legal inheritance procedure when necessary.


    We pride ourselves on being possibly the only law firm where everything is handled by a qualified, experienced and skilled lawyer, from start to finish, not by any person without a law degree.


    Once you own a Spanish car or boat, a Spanish home or a Spanish bank account or any other Spanish assets and rights, you should grant a proper Spanish will to save your inheritors from a complicated and expensive inheritance legal procedure in between your own country and Spain.

    Expenses and services involved  in   one    Spanish will :

     89€  MCH SOLICITORS  legal fees + 18,69€ (21% value added tax)   +  70€ Notary Public = 177,69€ all included.


     Please note that in Spain each person who have any assets and/ or bank account  in Spain  should  make an individual Spanish will. A joint will of more than one person is not valid in Spain.


    Granting a Spanish will is a very personal act in which representation by Power of Attorney is not possible.